Monday, November 30, 2009

River Dorms.

top floor:
boys under umbrellas dodge drops
of rain like dogs with broken bones
on rollerskates. this looks good to me,
the whole thing, to me, looks good.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

boring news update.

im never satisfied with what i write,
but i did it.

HaHa track#1 complete. more to come soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

a lull for long times.

are you glowing?
great god almighty,

you like my heavy eyes?
the cracks in the teeth of my smile?
the slurring of my wine-soaked tongue?
why dont you sit and stay a while.
Satisfy my soul!
Some things last for hours,
some things take long times,
i am patient, i will be patient,
i will sit still, i am hushed,
a lull for long times.

Monday, November 16, 2009

green teeth

green tea stains and
wisdom tooth pains
keep on growing in.

i wrap my shoulders tightly
in a blanket in the night time and
sit and wait for something,
sit and wait for anything,
patiently, you will find me waiting
getting cold in the clothes
of a wild now-ex-lover's
kind and older brother.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


oh, how the fallen are mighty.
oh, what a life do i lead.
see what your beauty has made me?
a cat on a branch up a tree.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Marlboro Smooth?

there is wind,
there is traffic,
i go limp,
i have a headache,
but i walk high with squinted eyes
searching the horizon for a sign of life.
I want to see birds in V formation
like a child would draw when he gets impatient
on a picture of his perfectly square home
filled with a stick figure family.
I want to step below sea level, let my breaths
bubble up to the surface,
i see a red car pass, i think of you,
get nervous,
and duck behind the bushes outside the
convenience store.
This is a fact,
i cannot do that any more.
This is a truth,
i will continue to do what i
always do.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i like to spill!

i should circulate lewd photos
of me on the internet
just to see what happens.
maybe then i will be on the cover
of a tabloid magazine.
maybe then i will be able to
hold my weight in dollar bills
and sell my soul as a set of skills
for teenage kids to thrive from
or spread my seed in the community
as a drug for them to die on.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i've been..

I guess i would say life is just a game of Stratego,
we see only where our traps are placed
and guess where we believe we
need to go.
At most, we see the backs of
everybody else's pieces,
no hints, no intimations,
we're left up to our own reasons.

i've been alone and in
my underwear
for hours.
i sweep my feet across the
kitchen floor
and rustle up the dust from
whomever lived here before.
i do the dishes,
i wait for them to dry.
i sit on my windowsill when night rolls in.
how lovely, how simple, i am alive.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

YooHoo, HaHa

Once upon a stranger's couch
feeling sluggish with my contacts in,
i shook the cobwebs off my pant legs,
watched the dog get fed some
scrambled eggs, i bet myself i wouldn't
make it to church,
I, i
i dragged myself to the car,
i do not dare to take a shower,
but the world was light,
grass wet
like a rainbow in the sunlit splash
of a hundred droplets from a sprinkler.
That i do recall, that i must think
i stand up straight before the bare trees
in the courts of Fall.

Monday, November 2, 2009

one way to begin november.

the change from my pocket
down to the ground below me
beneath the balcony.
their shine, their weight,
gone from my grip.
those regal faces, the dull edges,
they looked back at me.
i sat on the steps
and wept.
they were still in my sight.
their value still tangible,
their shape, just beyond my reach.