Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i've been..

I guess i would say life is just a game of Stratego,
we see only where our traps are placed
and guess where we believe we
need to go.
At most, we see the backs of
everybody else's pieces,
no hints, no intimations,
we're left up to our own reasons.

i've been alone and in
my underwear
for hours.
i sweep my feet across the
kitchen floor
and rustle up the dust from
whomever lived here before.
i do the dishes,
i wait for them to dry.
i sit on my windowsill when night rolls in.
how lovely, how simple, i am alive.

1 comment:

  1. I really rarely ever comment on anything and I especially feel like a creep for reading this blog. But, the second stanza is enough to make me cry. You use your words so beautifully and so truthfully. Thank you.
